Coconut balls

Coconut balls.

Curd — 1 kg
Powdered sugar - to 1.5 tbsp.
Butter — 300 g
Biscuits 300 g
Cocoa — 2 tbsp
Coconut — 4 tbsp
Nuts — 1 tbsp.
Condensed milk — 1 Bank

Method of preparation:

1. Nuts chop, biscuits break into small chips.

2. Curd pass through a sieve and mix with butter.

3. Divide the cheese into 3 parts. The 1st add nuts, in the 2 nd add a crumb, biscuits, and the 3rd — cocoa.
4. From the 1st of cottage cheese (with fruit) make a small ball, put it in the cake of the 2nd cheese (with cookies) and roll, then in the 3rd cottage cheese (with cocoa) and form the final ball.

5. Dip it in condensed milk, then in the coconut.

Bon appetit!